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Research Data Centre of the German Centre for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM)

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The Research Data Centre DeZIM.fdz gives researchers the opportunity to access data collected within the scope of research projects of the DeZIM institute itself and of the institutes belonging to the DeZIM research community. Moreover, the DeZIM.fdz offers support to data users and gives advice on selected methodological issues.

  • Thematic Focus: Migration
  • Data type focus: Quantitative
  • Status: Accredited
  • External Data Ingest: Yes
  • RDM Consultation: Yes

Data Offer

  • Postmigrantische Gesellschaften: Ost-Migrantische Analogien
  • Friendship and Identity in School
  • Gesellschaftliches Zusammenleben in Deutschland. Rekrutierungsstudie DeZIM.panel
  • The Corona Pandemic and Anti-Asian Racism in Germany
  • DeZIM Photo Databases (Subproject from MIND.set)


DeZIM.fdz offers support to DeZIM staff members when it comes to preparing their research and collecting primary data. Coordinated with the other services offered at DeZIM.fdz, DeZIM.fdz also supports external users with regard to the data and methods used (e.g., support with data stored at DeZIM.fdz).

Data Access Mode

The freely provided Scientific-Use-Files are accessible via download, remote access, and within the data security area of the DeZIM Institute in Berlin. The prerequisite is the completion of a usage agreement.


Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM) e.V.
Mauerstrasse 76
10117 Berlin

E-Mail: fdz@dezim-institut.de