Remote access to data from official statistics agencies
RatSWD working group during the 6th appointment period (2017–2020)
Official statistics data are an important data source for empirical research. For the most part, however, those data can only be accessed on-site at research data centres of the Federal Statistical Institute and the Statistical Institutes of the Länder. This results in high costs and limited flexibility during the research process. Additionally, for research data centres, this results in high expenditures in terms of space and manpower. Based on the experiences of other European national statistical institutes, an important step forward would be to facilitate remote access solutions (starting with selected social statistics). The working group will work out recommendations accordingly.
- Format: Joint working group of German Data Forum and FDI Committee
- Goal: Developing recommendations for policy-makers and administrators
- Output: Publication of a position paper as part of the RatSWD Output Series
- Timeframe: Start: winter 2017, completion by early 2018, publication by summer 2019