Research data management
Securing and providing research data sustainably
The management of (research) data is playing an increasingly important role in the research process and is a central goal of the NFDI. Funding for research is increasingly linked to the demand for well-planned and sustainable data management based on so-called data management plans. Researchers should therefore ensure that their research data fulfils the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-usable) right from the planning stage and also during the implementation of their research.
The term research data management (RDM) describes all activities related to research data that occur along the so-called research data life cycle (see figure below). Research data management thus begins with data collection, primarily concerns good documentation during data processing (in particular analyses) and extends to the archiving of research data. The infrastructure of KonsortSWD, in particular the research data centres, provide support in various of these phases. Above all, research data centres provide findability, high-quality documentation including advice and (protected) access to archived data.
In the social, behavioural, educational and economic sciences, KonsortSWD provides researchers and research data centres with technical and content-related support in the management and reuse of (new) sensitive and non-sensitive data in accordance with the FAIR principles. The consortium builds on the RatSWD’s many years of expertise in the field of research data management, which regularly issues publications on the topic.
The implementation of the FAIR principles is a central instrument of quality assurance. To this end, KonsortSWD participates in the professional discussion on improving the “FAIRness” of research data. For example, tools are used to test the FAIRness of research data from our disciplines. The application of methods for a more efficient assessment of FAIRness is also of great relevance to the KonsortSWD disciplines.
Various offers from KonsortSWD contribute to the improvement of individual FAIR aspects
Findability (Auffindbarkeit)
Accessibility (Zugänglichkeit)
Interoperability (Interoperabilität)
Reusability (Wiederverwendbarkeit)
Lifecycle of research data
Overview of the German Data Forum's activities, resources, and work results on the topic of research data management:
RatSWD publications
Handouts & recommendations
- Research Data Management for Small Research Projects
RatSWD (2023). RatSWD Output Series, 7. Appointment period Nr. 3. - Klas, C.-P. (2022). Demonstrator PID Registrierungsservice für Variablen. Zhang, Y., Baran, E., Zloch, M., Mühlbauer, A., Klas, C.-P., & Mutschke, P. (2022). KonsortSWD PID Registrator (v0.1.0). Zenodo.
- Murray, N. (2022). RDCnet: Connecting guest researcher workstations to provide secure access to sensitive microdata. Workshop: Safe access to sensitive research data, Bern, Switzerland. Zenodo.
- Murray, N. & Goebel, J. (2022). Vertragliche Grundlagen zur Teilnahme am RDCnet. KonsortSWD Working Paper (Vol. 1). Zenodo.
- Netscher, S., Schwickerath, A., Eckert, S., Meyermann, A., Favella, G. & Künstler-Sment, J. (2022). Übertragbarkeit des Standardisierten Datenmanagementplans für die Bildungsforschung (Stamp) auf andere wissenschaftliche Disziplinen [Präsentation]. Zenodo.
- Saalbach, C., Han, X. & Wenzig, K. (2021). Open Data Format Specification. GitLab.
- Big data in social, behavioural, and economic sciences: Data access and research data management – Including an expert opinion on “Web scraping in independent academic research”
RatSWD (2019). RatSWD Output Series, 6. Appointment period Nr. 4. - Research data management in the social, behavioural and economic sciences – Guidance for the application and review of data-generating and data-using research projects (2nd edition)
RatSWD (2018). RatSWD Output Paper 3 of the 5th appointment period
- Long-term archiving of research data – Standards and discipline-specific solutions [German], Altenhöner, Reinhard & Oellers, Claudia (2012). Book publication
- Archiving and secondary utilisation of qualitative social research data [German]
RatSWD (2015). RatSWD Output Series, 5. Appointment period Nr. 1 - Auffinden – Zitieren – Dokumentieren [Finding – Citing – Documenting]
ZBW; GESIS & RatSWD (2014). Guide to handling quantitative research data
Teaching materials for academic teaching
- Research data management for small projects in the Social and Economic Sciences – RatSWD teaching slides for your own use in research and teaching
RatSWD (2023).
Articles in the RatSWD Working Paper Series on the topic of research data management
- Archiving and access to qualitative data [German]
Bambey, Doris; Corti, Louise; Diepenbroek, Michael; Dunkel, Wolfgang; Hanekop, Heidemarie; Hollstein, Betina; Imeri, Sabine; Knoblauch, Hubert; Kretzer, Susanne; Meier zu Verl, Christian; Meyer, Christian; Meyermann, Alexia; Porzelt, Maike; Rittberger, Marc; Strübing, Jörg; Unger, Hella von; Wilke, René (2018). RatSWD Working Paper 267/2018. - The Education Research Data Network – A research data infrastructure for empirical educational research [German]
Meyermann, Alexia; Bambey Doris; Jansen, Malte et al. (2017).
RatSWD Working Paper 266 - Zur Rolle von Forschungsdatenzentren beim Management von publikationsbezogenen Forschungsdaten – Ergebnisse einer Befragung von wissenschaftlichen Infrastrukturdienstleistern [The role of research data centres in the management of publication-related research data – results of a survey of scientific infrastructure service providers] [German]
Vlaeminck, Sven & Wagner, Gert G. (2013). RatSWD Working Paper 225 - Replicability and comprehensibility of social research and its technical implementation
Friedhoff, Stefan; Meier zu Verl, Christian; Pietsch, Christian; Meyer, Christian; Vompras, Johanna; Liebig, Stefan (2013). RatSWD Working Paper 119/2013. - On the role of research data centres in the management of publication related research data
Vlaeminck, Sven; Wagner, Gert G. (2013). RatSWD Working Paper 226/2013. - Data management and data sharing [German]
Huschka, Denis; Oellers, Claudia; Ott, Notburga; Wagner, Gert G. (2011). - Principles for handling research data Alliance of German Science Organisations [German] (2010). RatSWD Working Paper 165/2010.
Press releases
- Making research data reusable (14.03.2023)
- Workshop on “Archiving and Access to Qualitative Data” (16.05.2018)
RatSWD working groups
Working group RDM Services for smaller research projects: Guide to cultural change (2020-2023)
The working group determined the subject-specific RDM needs of small research projects and, on this basis, developed a handout and a set of teaching slides to make doctoral candidates and students in particular aware of RDM at the beginning of their academic careers and to make it easier for them to get started with the topic.
Task force for handling large amounts of data (2017-2020)
A task force on handling large volumes of data in the RDCs consisting of members of the FDI Committee analyses the status quo in selected RDCs, identifies specific problems, collects possible solutions for these and develops options for action.
Working group on archiving and access to qualitative data (2017-2020)
The working group developed recommendations for the development of a federated, user-friendly archiving service for external data providers and for common quality standards for the (decentralised) archiving of research data.
Working group decentral archiving structure at research data centres (2017-2020)
The working group developed recommendations for the RatSWD-accredited research data centres (RDCs) on the development of a federated, user-friendly archiving service for external data providers and on common quality standards for the (decentralised) archiving of research data.
Research Data Management Task Force (2014-2017)
The Research Data Management Task Force of the German Data Forum (RatSWD) and the FDI Committee develop comprehensive guidelines for the creation of research data management plans for the social, behavioural and economic sciences. Applicants and funders were provided with guidance and a harmonisation of data management plans was initiated. The results of the task force were published as RatSWD Output 3 (5) in June 2016.
RatSWD events and workshops
9th Conference on Social and Economic Data (9|KSWD) – Session C
27.–28. March 2023, Berlin
Session C of the 9|KSWD in March 2023, chaired by Prof Dr Christiane Gross and Prof Dr Jörg Strübing, dealt with the challenges of research data management for small projects. Participants were able to ask questions from their research practice, which were discussed jointly by experts. The presentations of the talks given in the session are available online.
RatSWD-Workshop “Archiving and access to qualitative data” [German]
27.–28. April 2018, Bremen
The RatSWD workshop evaluated previous experiences with the archiving of qualitative data, discussed fundamental problems of archiving and secondary analyses and identified requirements for an improved archiving infrastructure in qualitative research.
Conference on Social and Economic Data (7|KSWD) – Forum I
09. February 2017, Berlin
The Research Data Management Forum at the 7th Conference on Social and Economic Data (7|KSWD) in February 2017, chaired by Prof Dr Stefan Liebig, dealt with the question of what further development steps are necessary in the field of research data management. The presentations given in the session are available online.