Research ethics in the social, behavioural, educational, and economic sciences
RatSWD working group in the 7th appointment period (2020–2023)
Research ethics formulate the basic principles of action that are appropriate within empirical research. This is about the relationships between researchers and the study participants, the transparency of the research, and the assessment of the potential consequences of research projects. The aim of research ethical norms and regulations is to guide actions that avoid harm to individuals, groups, organisations, or entire societies, while also protecting freedom of research. Due to new technological developments, requirements of research-promoting institutions and scientific journals for accessing research data have created new challenges for ethical research.
In the 7th appointment period, the German Data Forum (RatSWD) therefore establishes a working group on research ethics, which builds on the activities of the German Data Forum (RatSWD) regarding research ethics in the previous appointment periods. The objective is to develop specific recommendations and guidelines for the establishment and work of local ethics committees on the basis of systematic needs assessments. Additionally, the framework conditions for the long-term implementation of a dedicated exchange forum on research ethics should be addressed.
- Format: Working Group with RatSWD members of the 7th appointment period (2020-2023) and external members
- Objective: consult with stakeholders, develop recommendations and guidelines e.g. with sample FAQs or templates for standardised rules of procedure, and apply for the implementation of sustainable exchange structures
- Output: publication of the recommendations of the German Data Forum (RatSWD) as part of the their Output Series
- Time frame: start in fall 2020, finish in 2023
Results Publications
- RatSWD (Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten). (2023). Handreichung „Umgang mit der Kenntnisnahme von Straftaten im Rahmen der Durchführung von Forschungsvorhaben“: Erstellt von Max Tauschhuber, Dr. Paul Vogel und Prof. Dr. Dr. Eric Hilgendorf (Output Series, 7. Berufungsperiode Nr. 1). Berlin.
- Schaar, K. (2022). Qualitätsfaktor Forschungsethik: Ethische Reflexion schränkt Wissenschaft nicht (nur) ein, sondern hilft, sie zu verbessern. WZB-Nachrichten (4/22), 39–42. Compilation and publication of the website Best Practices in Research Ethics, June 2022
- Strobel, A., Zeiler, A., & Schaar, K. (2022). Der Stand der Dinge zur forschungsethischen Begutachtung in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. RatSWD Working Paper 278
Press and news
- Press release 07.02.2023: New RatSWD handout on taking note of crimes: Researchers between the obligation of confidentiality and the duty of disclosure
- News 21.12.2022: Article in WZB-Mitteilungen December 2022: Qualitätsfaktor Forschungsethik
- Press release 29.06.2022: RatSWD launches “Best-Practice Research Ethics” portal
- News 02.03.2022: High demand for research ethics review and support services among researchers
- News 24.01.2022: Coffee Lecture zu Forschungsethik und QualidataNet
- News 18.03.2021: Expanding research ethics: What support services are needed?
- Press release 18.02.2021: German Data Forum (RatSWD) calls for securing the confidentiality of research data