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FDMontheground project report

The short project “FDMontheground”, funded by KonsortSWD, aimed to support the training of data curation activities in research data centres (RDCs). Using examples of data and metadata provision, the implementation of general guidelines for research data management in the curation practice of RDCs was analysed. The findings resulted in an activity scheme and a new basic structure for training and process-describing documents for future and existing RDC employees.

FDMontheground project report

Behrens, K., Quandt, M., Zenk-Möltgen, W., Beck, K., & Brück, R. (2023). KonsortSWD Measure TA.2-M.12: FDMontheground – Projektbericht. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10260847