Second call for applications project funding research data management
Do you own research data or know of projects in which data have been collected?
After a successful first round of funding in 2021, KonsortSWD is awarding funding for the second time to collaborate with a research data center to prepare your data and make it available to the scientific community for secondary use.
- Info and call: https://www.konsortswd.de/en/konsortswd/the-consortium/services/rdm-grants/
- Application deadline: September 30th, 2023
- Announcement of funding: end of June 2024
- Earliest start of funding: October 1st, 2024
Project funding supports the preparation and provision of relevant new qualitative and quantitative data corpora that are not yet available to the scientific community.
The enrichment of existing data corpora by means of linking to additional data sources can also be funded if this significantly increases the analytical potential of data sources.