Research Data Centre of the Robert Koch Institute (FDZ RKI)
The Research Data Center of the Robert Koch Institute (FDZ RKI) provides the data of population-representative health surveys. The main objective of health surveys is to obtain information that is as representative as possible of the health status and health behaviour of the resident population in Germany.
- Status: Accredited
- External Data Ingest: Yes
About the Data Centre
The methodology, i.e. the sample design, the principles of operationalization and measurement as well as data collection techniques, is largely based on the tried-and-tested methods of empirical social research. In the context of Health Interview Surveys (HIS), established survey techniques such as filling out questionnaires, telephone interviews, computer-assisted personal interviews or online surveys via the Internet are applied. The main difference compared to purely socio-scientific surveys is the additional examinations, tests and medical-biochemical measurements which, in addition to the survey results, provide a clear added value. This part is internationally known as Health Examination Survey (HES).
Table 1 lists the health surveys conducted by the RKI, whose data are also available for external scientific analysis.
Data access
The data are available to interested scientists as factually anonymous data for scientific secondary analysis upon request.
Data access is provided by providing a Scientific Use File as a download link. Data that are not part of the Scientific Use File can be applied for within the scope of an extended data use. A workstation for guest researchers at the Robert Koch Institute is available for analysis with data sensitive to data protection law. Further information on the data offer and the data access of the FDZ of the RKI can be found at
Data Offer
Data of Health surveys: German Health Update (GEDA): (GEDA 2009, GEDA 2010, GEDA 2012, GEDA 2014/2015-EHIS), Telephone Health Survey (GSTel03, 2003), German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents
(KiGGS): (KiGGS baseline study, KiGGS Wave 1, KiGGS Wave 2); German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1), Federal Health Survey (BGS98); East/West Health Survey (OW91), National Health Survey of the German Cardiovascular Prevention Study (NUSDHP).
Research Data Centre of the Robert Koch Institute (FDZ RKI)
Nordufer 20
13353 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 18754 3200