Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance (FDZ-RV)

The Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance (FDZ-RV) provides process-produced microdata from datasets of the German Pension Insurance for non-commercial research purposes in accordance with transparent and standardised regulation. It was established on the basis of the recommendations of the Commission for the Improvement of the Informational Infrastructure between Research and Statistics (KVI).
- Status: Accredited
- External Data Ingest: Restricted
In compliance with data protection regulations, the FDZ-RV generates microdata sets in the form of de facto anonymised scientific use files and absolutely anonymised public use files. These are made available for scientific research projects upon request and after conclusion of a contract. The FDZ-RV supports scientists in teaching and research in the selection of data, helps with their interpretation and conducts user workshops.
Available Data
Insurance and pension entitlements:
Insurance account sample (biographical data VSKT, from 2005), Fully insured lives (VVL, from 2004) Special survey BASID (data of the IAB and VSKT matched 2007), Actively insured persons (AKVS, from 2004), SHARE-RV 7-1-0, Versicherungskontenstichprobe 2015 – Versorgungsausgleich und Ehescheidung (Insurance account sample 2015 – pension equalisation and divorce)
Old-age insurance:
Pension lapses (RTWF, 2003-2006), Insured pension additions (RTZN, from 2003), Insured pension stock (RTBN, from 2003).
Thematic data:
Demographics and mortality (SUFDEMO, as of 1993), insured pension inflow, reduction in earning capacity (RTZN-EM, as of 2003).
Medical and vocational rehabilitation:
Completed rehabilitations (from 2006), data on rehabilitation and pension in the insurance history (from 2009).“)
- Tatjana Mika Tel.: +49 30 / 865-89541
- Jochen Schätzlein Tel.: +49 931 / 6002-73233
Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund
FDZ-RV – GB 0600
10704 Berlin
Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund
Forschungsdatenzentrum (FDZ-RV)
Berner Straße 1
97084 Würzburg