Research Data Center of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe

The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) is a multidisciplinary and cross-national panel survey, producing microdata on health, socio-economic status as well as social and family networks of more than 140,000 individuals aged 50 or older. SHARE is the largest pan-European social science panel study providing internationally comparable longitudinal micro data which allow insights in the fields of public health and socio-economic living conditions of European individuals. Since 2023, the RDC-SHARE is hosted at the SHARE BERLIN Institute.
- Thematic Focus: Work, Occupation & Labor Market, Health, Economy & Finances, Other
- Data type focus: Quantitative
- Status: Accredited
- External Data Ingest: No
- RDM Consultation: No
Datte Offer
Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe: SHARE (Wave 1: 2004/05), SHARE (Wave 2: 2006/07), SHARELIFE (Wave 3: 2008/09), SHARE (Wave 4: 2010/11), SHARE (Wave 5: 2013), SHARE (Wave 6: 2016), SHARE (Wave 7: 2019), SHARE (Wave 8: 2021)
More information.
SHARE Corona Survey: addresses the COVID-19 living situation of people who are 50 years and older. It collects data from a sub-sample of SHARE’s panel respondents and allows examining in-depth how the risk group of the older individuals is coping with the health-related and socioeconomic impact of COVID-19. The great advantage of these data is the possibility to measure and interpret differences in a cross-country and a longitudinal dimension.
Wave 8 COVID-19 Survey
Wave 9 COVID-19 Survey
easySHARE: easySHARE is a simplified HRS-adapted dataset for student training, and for researchers who have little experience in quantitative analyses of complex survey data. While the main release of SHARE is stored in more than 100 single data files, easySHARE stores information on all respondents and of all currently released data collection waves in one single dataset. More information.
SHARE-RV: stands for the direct linkage of survey data of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) with administrative records of the German Pension Insurance (DRV). Upon respondents’ consent, the German Pension Insurance provides the administrative records, which can be linked to the SHARE interviews of the same person. The data are available via the German Pensions Insurance RDC. More information.
Job Episodes Panel: The SHARE Job Episodes Panel (JEP) is a generated dataset based on information of Wave 3 (SHARELIFE) and Wave 7 of SHARE. It comes in the form of a retrospective long panel. The JEP contains the labour market status of each respondent throughout her/his life. More information.
The RDC-SHARE offers access to data documentation, scientific and campus use files for educational purposes, supporting coding files, training courses and workshops, as well as individual advice. We invite users to participate in the international and German SHARE User conferences, and to be informed about the latest developments via our Newsletters and social media channels.
Data Access Mode
Researchers may access SHARE data free of charge via the SHARE Research Data Center after registration as a SHARE User.
Amalienstrasse 33
80799 Munich