Deutsche Bundesbank Research Data and Service Centre (RDSC Bundesbank)

The Research Data and Service Centre (RDSC) provides standardised access to selected microdata collected by the Deutsche Bundesbank in accordance with its statutory mandate to be used in independent scientific research projects. This is granular data on banks, securities, enterprises or private households.
- Thematic Focus: Economy & Finances
- Data type focus: Quantitative
- Status: Accredited
- External Data Ingest: No
- RDM Consultation: No
Data Offer
Microdata on banks
- Monthly balance sheet statistics of banks (BISTA)
- External position of banks (AUSTA)
- Quarterly borrowers statistics (VJKRE)
- MFI interest rate statistics (ZISTA)
- Banks’ profit and loss accounts (GuV)
- Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
Microdata on securities
- Securities Holdings Statistics (SHS-Base plus)
- Investment Funds Statistics (IFS-Base)
- Money Market Statistical Reporting (MMSR)
Microdata on enterprises
- Microdatabase Direct investment (MiDi)
- Statistics on International Trade in Services (SITS)
- Statistics on international financial and capital transactions (SIFCT)
- Foreign status of non-banks (AUSTANB)
- Annual financial statements of non-financial firms (JANIS)
- Bundesbank Online Panel – Firms (BOP-F)
Microdata on households
- Panel on Household Finances (PHF)
- Bundesbank Online Panel – Households (BOP-HH)
- OECD/INFE Survey of Adult Financial Literacy Competencies in Germany (FLS)
In addition to data reports and methodology reports, the RDSC also offers a quarterly newsletter, individual consultancy options, selected data structure files and various tools to support guest researchers.
Link to the newsletter: Newsletter subscription | Deutsche Bundesbank
Data Access Mode
Access to the microdata provided by the RDSC usually takes place at guest research workstations in a secure environment at one of the RDSC locations, after conclusion of a data usage agreement (on-site). This form of access is necessary in order to comply with the legal provisions on maintaining the confidentiality of statistical reports and at the same time to enable access to individual data for independent scientific research purposes. Controlled remote data processing is possible for some data sets and under certain conditions. Scientific Use Files (SUFs) for household data are available for download.
Phone: +49 (0)69 9566-37595
Postal address
Deutsche Bundesbank Zentrale
Postfach 10 06 02
60006 Frankfurt am Main
Address of location TRIANON
Mainzer Landstraße 16
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Location in Berlin
Leibnizstraße 10
10625 Berlin
Location in Düsseldorf
Berliner Allee 14
40212 Düsseldorf
Location in Hannover
Georgsplatz 5
30159 Hannover
Location in München
Ludwigstraße 13
80539 München