EUA survey on digitally enhanced learning and teaching
European University Association
This survey aims to map the situation regarding digitally enhanced learning and teaching at higher education institutions across Europe, regarding benefits, impact and challenges, and plans and strategies for the future.
- Discipline: Education
- Research Method: Quantitative
- Research Design: Open survey (self-selected)
- Collection Status: Closed data collection
Ziele der Studie
Due to the coronavirus crisis, universities have come under sudden pressure to shift to digitally enhanced teaching and online learning. While this is a temporary measure in an emergency situation, the topic will continue, and is likely to play an even more prominent role than before the crisis.
This survey aims to map the situation regarding digitally enhanced learning and teaching at higher education institutions across Europe, regarding benefits, impact and challenges, and plans and strategies for the future. The survey was planned long before the coronavirus crisis started, but it also includes some questions on how higher education institutions are adapting to the changed situation.
The present survey is addressed to higher education institutions in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). It aims to map development trends for digitally enhanced learning and teaching at European higher education institutions, including the strategic preparedness of the governance and management.
The survey was conducted online from April to June 2020 and was disseminated via the DIGI-HE project website, EUA’s monthly newsletter and direct mailings to members. The survey was also promoted actively on social media throughout the dissemination campaign by the entire project consortium. In addition, interviews carried out on the pandemic as part of EUA’s general work on learning and teaching have been considered in this report.
A total of 368 valid responses were recorded from higher education institutions from 48 countries, representing the entire EHEA in 2020, and in addition some institutions from Kosovo and Northern Cyprus (Figure 2). Italian higher education institutions showed a great deal of interest in the survey with responses from 35 institutions, followed by Poland with 25 and Germany with 21. Compared to 2014, there was also a particularly high response rate from some of the Eastern European countries, for example Russia with 16, Bulgaria with 15 and the Czech Republic with 13 responses. This increased participation is certainly an indication of the growing interest in and engagement with digital education — which seems to be the case in most, probably even all countries. It is also the res15ult of targeted emails to individual institutions from under-represented countries to ensure geographical balance, supported in many cases also by National Rectors’ Conferences and ministries, National Erasmus Offices, etc.
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