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Values in Crisis

Leuphana University Lüneburg; Jacobs University Bremen; Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg; University of Edinburgh

The Values in Crisis (VIC) Survey is an international longitudinal survey project on attitudes and values providing data on a global scale.

  • Disziplin: Sozial
  • Forschungsmethode: Quantitativ
  • Forschungsdesign: Primärerhebung, Repräsentativ angelegte Befragung
  • Erhebungsstatus: Erhebung abgeschlossen, Daten zugänglich

Ziele der Studie

The COVID-19 crisis is manifold and poses major health, economic and social challenges for current societies. Long-term monitoring of central values and attitudes of citizens in times of crises help to grasp current social and political tensions. Taking this ambition to the global scale and providing comparable data across nations is the main aim of the Values in Crisis Study (VIC).


VIC is an initiative by a group of well-known researchers in Germany and the UK. The core team developed a questionnaire and invited additional researchers from various countries all over the world to join the project by collecting data in their respective countries. The COVID-19 crises confined the survey mode to an online-panel adopting a quota sample. The target was to interview approximately 2,000 respondents in three consecutive waves, using a fully standardized questionnaire of about twenty minutes interview time.


The international dataset is available as a compact version including mainly the harmonized variables of education, income, and region, the key variables of the survey and scales referring to classical value concepts or personality factors. Additionally, there is a full version, where country-specific questions deviating from the standard questionnaire are available for further single country analysis. A method report is additionally published to provide more insights about the country-specific details of the surveys. This dataset represents the data of 16 countries of the first wave of this longitudinal study which is now made publicly available by the SSÖ-Team and AUSSDA. Further releases of the second wave of the survey “end at sight” which is conducted in 2021 and the third wave of the survey (“after the crisis”, probably in 2022) are planned in the future.



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