On the effectiveness of COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns: Pan metron ariston
Max-Planck Institut für Bildungsforschung
How effective were lockdowns and other nonpharmaceutical interventions during the pandemic?
- Disziplin: Gesundheit
- Forschungsmethode: Quantitativ
- Forschungsdesign: Sekundäranalyse, Weitere Daten (z. B. Einzelinterview, Web Scraping, Laborwerte etc.)
- Erhebungsstatus: Open-Access-Publikation, Erhebung abgeschlossen, Ergebnisse veröffentlicht, Daten zugänglich
Ziele der Studie
The study examined the effectiveness of lockdowns and other nonpharmaceutical interventions in curbin the spread of COVID-19 and limiting the number of deaths. The project shows that a significant reduction in people’s external mobility did not have the positive impact that was originally anticipated.
All in all, data from 132 countries have been collected between February 2020 and April 2021. The set includes information on confirmed cases and deaths, testing rates, mobility data and the Covid-10 Stringency Index. This index, developed by Oxford University, gauges the stringency of various NPIs—including school closures, stay-at-home mandates, cancellation or restriction of public events, international travel restrictions, and information campaigns.
The data is available and ready to download under the following links:
Covid-19 Data Hub: COVID-19 Data Hub • COVID-19 Data Hub (covid19datahub.io)
Mobilitätsberichte zur Coronakrise: Mobilitätsberichte zur Coronakrise (google.com)
Oxfor COVID-19 Government Response Tracker: COVID-19 Government Response Tracker | Blavatnik School of Government (ox.ac.uk)