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Forced Migrants From Ukraine in Transnational Europe: Between Personal Agency, Civil Society And The State

German Centre for Integration and Migration Research; Centre for East European and International Studies

The project is coordinatet by the DeZIM and ZOiS and integratet within the International Research Network - FORUM.

  • Netzwerk: RatSWD
  • Disziplin: Bildung, Sozial, Wirtschaft
  • Forschungsmethode: Qualitativ
  • Forschungsdesign: Offene Befragung (selbstselektiert), Primärerhebung
  • Erhebungsstatus: Daten zugänglich, Laufende Erhebung, Open-Access-Publikation

Study objective

Within the study, the International Research Network aims to create a better understanding of the experiences of people fleeing from the Ukraine to different conutries since the beginning of the war. How did fleeing Ukraine negotiate the everyday lives vis-à-vis welfare state regulations, institutional practices, and engagements of various civil society intermediaries locally and transnationally?

Study design

FORUM did not disclose the specific research design of the study yet. What is known is that individual projects will focus on family life, local and transnational social networks, economic independence, labour market participation and access to welfare of people from Ukraine in the respective countries.

Data availability

The data will be available and requestable under the following link: https://www.dezim-institut.de/forschungsdatenzentrum-dezimfdz/datenarchiv/