64th meeting of the RatSWD on November 24/25, 2022

The German Data Forum (RatSWD) met for its 64th session in Berlin on 24 and 25 November, 2022. An informative workshop on EU data legislation with Margrit Seckelmann, Professor of Digital Society Law at Leibniz Universität Hannover, sharpened the focus on the international dimension of the Council’s work. The input was taken up regarding the upcoming new appointment period and the design of the future work of the Council was discussed against the background of current political events. An exchange with Christof Wolf, KonsortSWD spokesperson, focused on the role of RatSWD in moving KonsortSWD and the NFDI forward. Another focus of the meeting were the upcoming elections and preparations for the Conference for Social and Economic Data which will take place in March 2023 with new formats and inputs from the working groups.